Percent Total Tip


  1. Enter the amount
  2. Click 'Cacluate'
  3. Choose the tip percentage listed in the table

Who should you tip?

Person Amount
Waitress 15% to 20%
Bar tender $1 to $2 per drink
Driver 15% to 20%
Barber / Hairdresser 15% to 20%
Manicurest or Massuse 15% to 20%
Valet $2 to $5
Skycap @ airport $2 per bag
Bellhop $2 per bag
Doorman $2 for cab or bag
Hotel Housekeeping $2 to $5 per night
Coat Check $2 per coat
Tour Guide 10%
Hotel Concierge $5 for service

Who should you not tip?

Some service-based workers do not expect tips. Additionally, some companies may have policies against employees accepting tips.

  • Cable TV installers
  • Electricians and Plumbers
  • Lawyers
  • Doctors